Wednesday, September 1, 2010

BP1_Google Reader

I was tasked with picking five RSS feeds to subscribe to, to help me in my professional life. I teach history to 8th graders and I get to use a lot of technology. 

1. PBS Teacher - This feed has many sources for teachers to use.  It has a list of blogs from other professionals that give great ideas such as general help in areas of discipline, classroom management, and technology.  If you go to the website you can see pictures of the people that are writing the blogs and also read comments on that post.

2.  Second Life - This feed has a list of new destinations and also popular destinations in the Second Life universe.  The reason this will be helpful is I am doing my action research project over Second Life in the classroom.  This feed will allow me to keep up with any new history sites or clothes I might like to purchase for my avatar to keep my kids interested in the topic at hand.

3. Teaching Pre K - 8th - This is another teaching feed that has some actual lessons on it for teachers.  It also gives some maps for teachers to use.  This will be helpful when a teacher posts a history lesson or new maps that can be used in my classroom.  The website also has good sources of information for a teacher.

4. Classroom 2.0 - This is my favorite subscription.  This feed posts articles from the Diigo group Classroom 2.0.  There is also a website that has many more articles of web 2.0 tools to use in the classroom.  Not only does this website list the tools to use, but it also gives new and exciting ways to use these tools other than what is listed. 

5.  NHEC (National History Education Clearinghouse) - This is my next favorite subscription.  This blog has videos and lessons for U.S. history.  It is designed to give history teachers more knowledge and content to teach with as well as give some power points that can be used for the classroom.  Also the videos show teachers using history with technology in the schools they teach in.

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