Sunday, June 5, 2011

Copyright Issues

Copyright issues have always been a difficult situation for myself.  I grew up in the heyday of Limewire, Kazza and uTorrent.  Music was always near at hand when I was young and in school.  My friends always had the newest music and viruses.  As I grew older it was always in the news of how people were being prosecuted for downloading music illegally and it was a scary thought.  As I grew older and graduated from college, became more aware of how hard it is to create music and create video games I began to see how downloading illegal things was truly stealing.  It takes a lot of creativity to do the things some of these people do for others to come in and use it without permission.  Full Sail has also done a good job of making it's students aware of such issues as well.  

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing your journey with copyright issues.
